Fissure of Woe Excursion for Newbies
19 Septembre 2008
Meet in SoJ Guild Hall at 20.00 CET
Sign up
I thought it'd be a nice idea to invite the newer players in our Alliance for an excursion through FoW. The Idea is just to do a fullrun with people who've never been there, with 2 guides.
The guides will be me and Dion, from SK.
We don't need a specific build, I'll play with my Paragon, Dion will join as whatever is needed. You're free to join with any profession you like, though there are certain requirements;
- Maxed out Armor for your profession.
More Info;
- Be
Weh No Su, or have completed the quest [URL=!]Hunted!
- Completed the Attribute Point Quests.
More Info
- Acces to
Temple of Ages
Teamspeak is always used in these areas. I expect you to use it aswell. It is easy to download and install.
Speaking is not a requirement, listening is.
We do not use a specific build. I will make something out who signs up.
So state your profession you will be joining with, and if you need any help achieving one of the requirements, I will gladly assist you, so that you can join!
Anything: Arcane - Paragon
Protection Monk:
Healing Monk:
When we do not get a full team, other people who have been there before are allowed to sign up as a back up.
- Arcane (SoJ)
[E:]Added link for signup - Dion